LTRx-512 Installer’s Guide
Functions Defined
[#] Starts the Programming Functions and Confirms Entries
[*] Ends Program functions and/or Cancels Entries (except the “Quick Check”)
Quick Check Commands
Quick Check commands display system information for about 2 seconds. You can press any of the
three quick check keys ([*], [1] or [3]) when the Master is in Clock Mode.
Quick Check Command [*] Status
Any time you see the time and date, you can press [*] to see the Master status. You will see the
firmware version, terminal ID#, communications baud rate, time display format (12-hr or 24-hr),
daylight savings country code and the clock types you have chosen
Quick Check Command [1] Edit Keys
Any time you see the time and date, you can press [1] to see the edit key descriptions. You can
use the edit keys to program Bell Schedules, Automatic Schedule Change Dates, and Holiday
Dates. When you press [1], you will see
[1] EDIT [9] 1ST
[3] PRV [#] NXT
[4] DEL [*] EXIT
[6] ADD
Quick Check Command [3] 12/24 Hour Display
Any time you see the time and date, you can press [3] after entering your password to toggle the
time and date between 12-hour and 24-hour format. The 12-hour format shows AM or PM, while
the 24-hour format shows the day of the week (or ‘HO’ for Holiday).
Program Keys
To access the Master’s programming functions, press the [#] key. As described below, some
functions require a user password, and advanced functions require the administrator password.
[0] = Password
You must enter a password for most programming functions. To enter your password, press
Enter your 6-digit password, then press [#]