LTRx-512 Installer’s Guide
To exit the Time-Base Calibration procedure, press either [#] or [*].
EXAMPLE: During installation, set the Master Clock’s time to match an accurate reference
(Cell Phone display, Computer Network Time, WWVB Radio Clock, etc.). At the end of
one month, compare the Master’s time against the Reference Time, to determine accuracy.
If the Master were, say, 32 seconds slow, then calculate required positive correction as 32
/ 10.7 = 2.99 ~ 3. Set the correction to “FASTER + 03”.
Auto Bell Test
No password is required for this function
Use the Auto Bell Test feature to turn on all bell relays once per minute at the start of each
minute. Once you start this function, you can test the continuity of your bell wiring circuits. Use
the “hidden code” 2355878 [BELLTST] to start the Auto Bell Test. While entering this code,
ignore anything that displays on the screen
Use Function [6] to disable any relays that you do not want to use in your testing
Once you finish testing, make sure you re-enter the hidden code to stop the Auto Bell Test and
use Function [6] to enable any relays that you earlier disabled