LTRx-512 Installer’s Guide
setup in function [4]=PROGRAM SCHEDULE. Enter your password, then press [#][8][#] to
change a schedule
[9] = Sync Clocks
Use this function to quickly synchronize any secondary clocks. This function is primarily used
during initial installation or if power to your LTRx-512 stayed on while power to the secondary
clocks stopped.
Enter your password, then press [#][9][#]
[A] = Program Holidays
You can enter up to 16 dates as holidays in your LTRx-512. During holidays, only the events
that you set to occur on holidays will turn on when they reach the scheduled time
You cannot choose Function [A] directly. To start the Program Holidays function, enter your
password, then press [#][9][0][#]
[B] = Communications (LTR8-512 and LTR8-512M Only)
This function requires the administrator password
You cannot choose function [B] directly. To enter Communications, press [#][9][0][0][#]
You must enter these same settings for the Master in Lathem’s Terminal Manager or
LTR MasterLink software
[C] = Change Password
Use this function to change the default user password (000000) to a unique 6-digit number to
prevent unauthorized access to the LTRx-512’s programming functions. You should keep a
copy of this password in a safe place
You cannot choose function [C] directly. To start the Change Password function, enter
your current password, then press [#][9][0][0][0][#]