LTRx-512 Installer’s Guide
Connecting the LTR-RSS
To install the Remote Schedule Selector,
• Remove the RSS from it’s package and locate the four (4) conductor connector (upper left) and the
dip switch (bottom center) on the back of the circuit board.
• Set the hidden Address Selector dip switch to match the Master’s Programmed Address (default =
Code 65) and the Master Clock’s baud rate. You accomplish this by sliding the dip switches
towards the legend on the circuit board.
The Baud Rate is selected with switch 1. Slide it towards the bottom of the board to select
9600 baud (default) and up to select 2400 baud.
To select the address, total up the
numbers below the switches to arrive
at the total which equals the addess
you wish and slide those switches
down. For example, the default
address is 065. Switch 2 (value of 64)
and switch 8 (value of 1) are down.
(64+1 = 65) For address 003, you
would slide switch 7 and switch 8
down (2+1=3). For address 102, you
would slide down switches 2, 3, 6 and
7. (64+32+4+2=102)
• Attach the Communication Cable wire-pair (with proper polarity). The upper
contector is Data - and the next one down is Data + .
• Connect a low-voltage Power to the lower 2 terminals on the Terminal Block. The LTR-RSS
requires a voltage source of between 9 and 24 Volts, AC or DC. Note: It is recommended that you
use a power supply other than the power supplied from terminals 12 and 13 of the Communications
Terminals on the back of the Master Clock’s Display Unit. This provides 12 Volts AC at 250ma.
Wire runs of greater than 100 feet or placed in areas that may cause electrical interferances will
cause problems.We also recommend that you place an in-line 250ma fuse on this connection.
• Secure the cover-plate to the electrical box with four 6-32 FH screws.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8