Purpose of this User’s Guide
The purpose of this user’s guide is not meant to be a complete
manual for the product. It is a quick reference to get you started.
Please refer to the PayClock Help for detailed product information,
setup guidance, and operation information.
Product Overview
Reliability, functionality and ease of use are trademarks of the
PayClock software and terminals. The PayClock software and
terminals are the ideal solution for businesses that want to track
employee time and automate payroll.
Included in this package is the PayClock and USB Terminal Manager
software, which you will use to manage data and the USB terminal.
TouchStation - TS100
The TouchStation Biometric Time System is “real-time”. This means
that when an employee punches In or Out the punch is added to the
database at that time; no polling of the terminal is needed.
The TouchStation has an optical fingerprint sensor. When an
employee places his/her finger on the sensor, the TouchStation will
scan the fingerprint and compare it to previously stored fingerprints.
When the fingerprint is matched, a record of the punch will be added
to the database and the display will show in big block, text “IN” or
“OUT”, based on the calculation made when the employee’s punch
was added to the database. Next, the employees name will display
along with his/her total hours for the pay period.
PayClock Proximity Terminal - PC50/60
The PayClock Proximity Time System is “real-time”. This means that
when an employee punches In or Out the punch is added to the
database at that time; no polling of the terminal is needed.