The wrong employee
name shows when the
finger is read. What
should I do?
If an employee is mistakenly read as another
employee, adjust the threshold level for the
mistakenly read employee. Start with Medium High,
if you are still experiencing the problem move up to
the next level. Example: Joe Smith puts his finger on
the finger sensor but Stan Able shows on the display.
Solution: Adjust Stan’s security level to Medium
High; increasing the security will decrease the
chance of Stan’s fingerprint being read as another
The USB terminal stops
operating when my
computer goes into
“sleep” mode. What
should I do?
The USB terminal will stop operating if your
computer is set to go into the following:
-Sleep Mode
-Suspend Mode
Any of these settings should be disabled.
An employee injured his
finger and the finger
sensor will not read their
fingerprint. What should
I do?
Enroll a different finger for the employee.
Can I use the USB
terminal at any type of
No, you should avoid these types of locations:
-Locations that are exposed to direct sunlight.
-Locations that are exposed to extreme
-Locations that are exposed to high humidity.
-Locations where condensation may occur due to
sudden changes in temperature.
-Locations that are exposed to strong electric or
magnetic fields, or in the vicinity of equipment such
as TVs, radios, microwave ovens, and speakers.
-Locations where chemicals are stored or where
exposure to chemicals is possible.
-Dusty locations.
-Locations that exposed to strong vibrations.