
Diagnostic Information 2-49
2 Developer/Paper
Feed Motor
Assembly (M2)
Feed Motor Cable
Engine Board
Check the voltages on connector CON 1 on
the developer/paper feed motor board. All
voltages are approximate values:
Pin # Voltage Motor Running Motor Static
1 CS 0 V dc +5 V dc
2 ROIR 0 V dc 0 V dc
3 GND 0 V dc 0 V dc
4 +5 V dc +5 V dc +5 V dc
5 Lo 0 V dc +5 V dc
6 P/S 0 V dc +5 V dc
7 PGND 0 V dc 0 V dc
8 PGND 0 V dc 0 V dc
9 +24 V dc +24 V dc +24 V dc
10 +24 V dc +24 V dc +24 V dc
If the voltage on pin 4, 9 or 10 are incorrect,
check continuity of the cable.
If correct, disconnect CON 1 from the board
assembly and check the voltages on the
cable connector.
If incorrect, check continuity of the cable.
If incorrect, replace the cable.
If correct, replace the engine board.
If the voltages on the cable connector
are correct, replace the developer/
paper feed motor assembly.
If the voltages on pins 1, 5 and 6 always
measure approximately +5 V dc, replace the
developer/paper feed motor assembly. If the
voltages always measure approximately 0 V
dc, check the continuity of the cable.
If incorrect, replace the cable.
If correct, replace the engine board
FRU Action