Diagnostic Information 2-49
2 Developer/Paper
Feed Motor
Assembly (M2)
Feed Motor Cable
Engine Board
Check the voltages on connector CON 1 on
the developer/paper feed motor board. All
voltages are approximate values:
Pin # Voltage Motor Running Motor Static
1 CS 0 V dc +5 V dc
2 ROIR 0 V dc 0 V dc
3 GND 0 V dc 0 V dc
4 +5 V dc +5 V dc +5 V dc
5 Lo 0 V dc +5 V dc
6 P/S 0 V dc +5 V dc
7 PGND 0 V dc 0 V dc
8 PGND 0 V dc 0 V dc
9 +24 V dc +24 V dc +24 V dc
10 +24 V dc +24 V dc +24 V dc
If the voltage on pin 4, 9 or 10 are incorrect,
check continuity of the cable.
• If correct, disconnect CON 1 from the board
assembly and check the voltages on the
cable connector.
• If incorrect, check continuity of the cable.
• If incorrect, replace the cable.
• If correct, replace the engine board.
• If the voltages on the cable connector
are correct, replace the developer/
paper feed motor assembly.
If the voltages on pins 1, 5 and 6 always
measure approximately +5 V dc, replace the
developer/paper feed motor assembly. If the
voltages always measure approximately 0 V
dc, check the continuity of the cable.
• If incorrect, replace the cable.
• If correct, replace the engine board
FRU Action