
Diagnostic Aids 3-3
Disabling Download Emulations
Error Code 964: Download Emulation CRC Failure. Checksum
failure detected in the emulation header or emulation file.
Error Code 965: Download Emulation Outdated. Time stamps
indicate the download emulation and RIP code are incompatible.
To help resolve Download Emulation problems the following steps
are necessary to instruct the printer to POR without activating any
download emulations.
To Disable the Download Emulation:
1. Turn the printer off.
2. Press and hold the Go and Menu buttons.
3. Turn the printer On and release the buttons once Performing
Self Test displays.
4. After POR completes, the CONFIG Menu is displayed.
5. Select Download Emuls from the menu.
6. Select the Disable Option.The printer automatically exits the
Configuration Menu and initializes as if the Download Emulator
were not installed. Once the printer is idle, a new emulator can
be downloaded again.
7. Program the download emulation into the code overlay SIMM.
8. If these steps do not resolve the problem, replace the code
overlay SIMM and re-download the emulation.
Diagnostics Menu Structure
When the Diagnostic Menu is entered, each Diagnostic Main Menu
item displays on the operator panel. When a diagnostic test is
selected from the main menu, a sub menu displays and each
individual test displays in the order shown. Any options that are
referred to in the menus are displayed when the option is installed.