Diagnostic Information 2-77
Printhead Service Check
The printhead assembly does not contain any service replaceable
parts or components. Do not remove any screws from the printhead
cover assembly, as this might cause internal contamination or
931 Error Code: This error may be caused by a failure with the
HYSNC signal to the printhead or a malfunction within the printhead.
Go to A.
932 and 933 Error Codes are not used.
934 and 935 Error Codes: Indicate a problem with the mirror motor
circuit in the printhead assembly, the mirror motor cable from the
engine board to the printhead, or the engine board. Error code 934
indicates a failure in the mirror motor locking function. Error code
935 indicates that the mirror motor turned, but did not stabilize. If
you have either a 934 or 935 error code displayed, go to B.
A 931 Error Code
FRU Action
S3, S4 (+5 V dc
The +5 V dc interlock for the printhead prevents
the printhead from powering on by the engine
board if the cartridge door, fuser door or front
cover are open.
Check the voltage on the orange lead to interlock
switch S4 at the switch. It should read
approximately +5 V dc.
• If incorrect, disconnect the switch and check the
voltage on the cable connect and go to step 2.
• If correct, check the voltage on the blue lead
attached to interlock switch S3. It should read
+5 V dc.
• If correct, check the switches for continuity
and correct operation.
• If a problem is found, replace the failing