
Diagnostic Information 2-121
Duplex Symptom Chart
The duplex option is not recognized. Go to A.
250/250 paper tray option is not recognized when installed below
the duplex option. Go to B.
230 Paper Jam error message displays. Go to C.
230 Paper Jam error message displays. The printer does not
compete POR. Go to D.
202 Paper Jam displays. Paper jams in the upper unit of the duplex
assembly, when printing in simplex mode. The printer is operating
correctly. Go to E.
202 Paper Jam displays. Paper is jammed in the upper unit of the
duplex assembly, when printing in the duplex mode. The printer is
operating correctly. Go to F.
POR incomplete, close door message displays when the duplex
option is installed and all the covers and doors on the duplex are
closed. Go to G.
231 Paper Jam displays. Paper is jammed in the upper or rear unit
of the duplex option. Go to H.
232 Paper Jam displays. Paper is jammed in the lower rear unit or
the lower unit of the duplex option. Go to I.
232 Paper Jam displays. POR is incomplete. Go to J.
The duplex option printed page is skewed. Go to K.