product and not subject to disclosure.
9. Government Confidentiality. If You are or represent an agency, de-
partment, or other entity of any State government, the United States Gov-
ernment or any other public entity or funded in whole or in part by the
United States Government, You hereby represent and warrant that the
Products shall be protected from public disclosure and considered exempt
from any statute, law, regulation, or code, including any Sunshine Act,
Public Records Act, Freedom of Information Act, or equivalent, which per-
mits access and/or reproduction or use of the Products. In the event of
breach of any part of this paragraph by such disclosure, this License shall
be considered breached and any and all right to retain any copies or to use
of the Products shall be terminated and considered immediately null and
void. Any copies of the Products held by You shall immediately be de-
stroyed. If any court of competent jurisdiction considers this clause void and
unenforceable, in whole or in part, for any reason, this License shall be con-
sidered terminated and null and void, in its entirety, and any and all copies
of the Products shall immediately be destroyed.
10. Observance of Laws and Export Controls. You agree to abide by all for-
eign and United States federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and
regulations applicable to Your use of the Products or any direct product
thereof. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, You agree to abide
by any applicable export control laws and regulations.
11. Miscellaneous. This License will be governed by and construed in ac-
cordance with the laws of the state of Oklahoma, USA, without regard to
its principles of conflicts of law. You may not assign this License, including
any rights, licenses or obligations under this License, to any third party
without the prior written consent of LEI. In the event of any assignment of
this License, this License shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of
each of the parties and their respective legal successors and permitted as-
signs. Any modification or amendment to this License shall be effective
only after the modification or amendment is reduced to writing and signed
by authorized representatives of both parties. If any provision of this Li-
cense shall be deemed unenforceable or invalid under any applicable law or
court decision, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not render this Li-
cense unenforceable or invalid as a whole, but rather such provision shall
be changed and interpreted so as to best accomplish the objectives of such
unenforceable or invalid provision within the limits of applicable law or
applicable court decision. This License constitutes the entire agreement
between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.
*Lowrance Electronics, Inc.