Icon List Window
Route List Window
This window shows the routes on the Master Map in a text list format.
The list contains the route name, number, total distance of the route
and the number of waypoints that make up the route. To open this
window click
The route name can be edited in the window. To change the name:
1. Click on the name to highlight it.
2. Pause a moment; then click the name again. (This is not a regular
3. Type a new name and press
The waypoints in a route can be edited. Double-click the route name and
you'll open the Route Waypoint List Window, which we describe next.
Route List Window
Route Waypoint List Window
(This is not shown when the program starts for the first time; a route
must be created first. With the Route List window open, double-click on
the route name to open the Route Waypoint List window.) This window
shows the waypoints that make up a route on the Master Map, in a text
list format. The symbol, name, leg length and position (in latitude and
longitude) are listed. The symbol, name, latitude and longitude can all