For example, if you're simply taking a cross-country highway trip
across several states, you can turn off categories such as rural roads
and/or minor city streets. This should give you the navigation in-
formation you need at a smaller file size. However, when file size is
no problem, most users prefer to include as much detail as possible.
All the examples in our User's Guide section use the original fac-
tory default settings, which have all the categories turned on.
Even though a category is turned on, you may not see it on the
Master Map because you have zoomed out too far. That's no prob-
lem. As long as the category is turned on, it will be included when
you make your Map File, no matter what your zoom range is.
Another command that works with category options to determine
detail is the Detail Level Used option, under the
DISPLAY OPTIONS menu. (You don't need to make any changes there
now, but after a little practice you'll want to see the entry View
Map Display Options in the Help file's Command Reference for how
this works.)
Waypoint List Window
This window shows the waypoints on the Master Map in a text list for-
mat. The symbol, name, latitude, longitude, date created and number
are listed. The symbol, name, latitude and longitude can all be edited
either on the Master Map or in the list window. To edit, right-click the
waypoint. To open this window click
Waypoint List Window
Icon List Window
This window shows the event marker icons on the Master Map in a text
list format. The symbol, symbol label, latitude and longitude are listed.
Except for the symbol label, these elements can be edited either on the
Master Map or in the list window. To edit, right-click the icon. To open
this window click