features. You have two ways to access these commands, so choose
whichever is most convenient.
You can click the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons on the Map Naviga-
tion toolbar.
Zoom buttons on the Map Navigation toolbar
Or you can click the Z-Out (zoom out) and Z-In (zoom in) buttons, lo-
cated at the bottom right corner of the Master Map.
Zoom Out, Zoom In buttons, with Zoom Range Window.
Zooming in lets you see less territory, but more detail. Zooming out lets
you see more territory, but less detail.
1. Click the
ZOOM IN or the Z-IN button to enlarge the centered area of the
2. Click the
ZOOM OUT or the Z-OUT button to shrink the map toward the
Zoom Range Window
The current zoom range shows in the Zoom Range Window next to the
Z-In button (see previous figure). The Zoom Range Window is the third
common zoom tool. You can use this window in at least two ways:
1. Click the down arrow at the right of the box, and click on a preset
2. Click inside the box, type the desired range number and press
At left, Chicago is centered on the map with a range of 3000 miles; the
figure on the right shows a zoom range of 200 miles. (These figures
show only the center portion of the Master Map.)