Terminals and Adjuncts Reference
Issue 11
December 1999
The 7400 Series Voice Terminals
11-46The 7406D, 7406BIS, and 7406 Plus Voice Terminals
The 7406 Plus (which includes the 7406D07A and 7406D08A versions)— are the
newest 7406 sets. The 7406 Plus voice terminal has five call appearance/feature
buttons, each with a red in-use light and a green status light, three shiftable
(2-level) programmable feature buttons with a green light, six shiftable (2-level)
programmable feature buttons without lights, four fixed feature buttons
(CONFERENCE, TRANSFER, DROP, and HOLD), a SELECT button with a green
light, a SPEAKER/RESET SPKR button with a green light, a MUTE button with a
red light, a VOLUME “arrow” button, and a red Message light.
The 7406D01A through 7406D06A are no longer being manufactured. The
7406D07A and 7406D08A were discontinued in1995.
The 7406D, 7406BIS, and 7406 Plus voice terminals can be used with the
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 1, Generic 2, and Generic 3, the
DEFINITY ECS, System 75, and System 85. These 7406 digital voice terminals
are the least expensive digital voice terminals with a display that Lucent
Technologies offers. Typical applications of the 7406D, the 7406BIS, and the 7406
Plus voice terminal are users who have a need for calling party display capabilities
or with data terminals requiring a large number of features.
The 7406D, 7406BIS, and 7406 Plus voice terminals can also provide the user
with simultaneous voice and data communications: The 7406D (7406D01A –
7406D04A) are equipped with a data stand; the 7406BIS (7406D05A and
7406D06A) and the 7406 Plus (7406D07A and 7406D08A) can be connected to a
7400B Data Module. With the 7406BIS and 7406 Plus voice terminals, PC
platform products can be useful in providing voice capabilities since these
screen-based products can greatly enhance the telephone capabilities of these
voice terminals.
Physical Description
The following dimensions listed here for the 7406D, 7406BIS, and 7406 Plus
voice terminals are approximate.
Width = 8-1/2 inches
Depth (front to back) = 8-3/4 inches
Height (maximum with handset in place) = 6-1/4 inches
Thickness of housing = 1-1/2 inches