Terminals and Adjuncts Reference
Issue 11
December 1999
Data Modules
21-52The DEFINITY High Speed Link
■ RS-366 ACU interface for originating data calls
■ RS-232 AT command interface with autobaud for originating and
disconnecting calls
■ Test features for system fault isolation
■ Non-volatile memory for storing an option profile and four telephone
■ Reset options for easy loading of default options
■ Data inversion option for compatibility with older 64 kbps DCP data
■ Automatic or manual answer option
■ DTR lead ignore option for operation with terminals that normally interface
with private line DCE equipment
■ DSR lead ON option for operation with terminals that normally interface
with private line DCE equipment
■ Optional DTR lead activated dial feature for stored number dialing
■ Permanent connection option for operation in private line applications
■ Memory cartridge interface for firmware upgrades
The DEFINITY HSL is administered and/or aliased as an MPDM. Routing,
trunking and other administration considerations mirror those of the MPDM. The
uses of the DEFINITY HSL are compatible with those of an MPDM.
Switched Requirements
The following sections describe switched requirements.
Releases for Switched Applications
The switch releases which support the applications of the DEFINITY HSL are:
■ System 75 R1V2 or later
■ System 85 R2V3 or later
■ DEFINITY Generic 1, Generic 2, and Generic 3
All versions of the switch do not provide the same level of support. The biggest
difference is in the type of network access arrangement that is supported.