Terminals and Adjuncts Reference
Issue 11
December 1999
Data Modules
21-68The Modular Processor Data Module (MPDM)
Features of the Video Teleconferencing MPDM
Functional Elements
The preassembled Video Teleconferencing MPDM consists of the following parts:.
■ Stand-alone housing
■ Modular PDM
■ V.35 interface card
■ RS-366 ACU interface card
■ V.35 M1 (ACCUNET D-Kit)
The label on the front of this MPDM renames the data module from “MPDM”
Option Settings
The Video Teleconferencing MPDM offers a new option switch, OFF/ANET.
■ If this switch is set to OFF, the MPDM/ACCUNET functions as a standard
■ If this switch is set to ANET, the Video Teleconferencing MPDM can be
optioned for compatibility with ACCUNET Switched 56 kbps Digital Service
or non-MPDM endpoints such as a DSU. In this mode:
— No Mode 2 handshaking is required to go into data mode
— Keyboard dialing is not supported
— User activated remote loopback test is not supported
The baud rate depends on the setting of the speed option switches. When using
ACCUNET Switched 56 kbps Digital Service, the OFF/56K must be set to 56K. All
other speed switches must be set to OFF.
Only one speed selection is allowed when the OFF/ANET switch is set to