Terminals and Adjuncts Reference
Issue 11
December 1999
This section contains some of the information necessary to administer the
different voice terminals connected to a DEFINITY Communications System
Generic 1, Generic 2, and Generic 3, a DEFINITY Enterprise Communications
Server (ECS), and to a System 75, or System 85. It also provides the caveats
required when administering some of the newer voice terminals to the older
systems. Other administration information for the DEFINITY G1 and G3 or
System 75 is provided in the DEFINITY G1 and G3 and System 75
Implementation and Administration manuals. The administration information for
DEFINITY G2 and System 85 is provided in the
System 85 and DEFINITY G2
Translation Service Manual
The sections of this manual which describe the newer voice terminals
provide detailed information on administering that voice terminal. In most
cases, diagrams of the button numbering schemes are also provided. For
example, if you want to administer an 8410 voice terminal, see the section
on the 8410 Voice Terminal under the tab labeled 8400 Series.