10.4 Backlight Off
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0x46
Decimal 254 70
ASCII 254 “F”
Description This command turns the backlight off immediately. The backlight will
remain off until a ’Backlight On’ command has been received.
Remembered Yes
10.5 Set Backlight Brightness
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0x99 [brightness]
Decimal 254 153 [brightness]
Parameter Length Description
brightness 1 Backlight setting (0 to 255).
Description This command sets the backlight settings according to [backlight]. If the
remember function is on, this command acts the same as ’Set and Save
Backlight Brightness’.
Remembered Yes
Factory Default 255
10.6 Set and Save Backlight Brightness
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0x98 [brightness]
Decimal 254 152 [brightness]
Parameter Length Description
brightness 1 Backlight setting (0 to 255).
Matrix Orbital GLK24064-25 41