12.2 Set Remember
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0x93 [switch]
Decimal 254 147 [switch]
Parameter Length Description
switch 1 0: Do not remember, 1: Remember
Description This command allows you to switch the remember function on and off.
To use the remember function, set remember to on, then set all of the
settings that you wish to save, settings that are listed as ’Remember:
Yes’ support being saved into the non-volatile memory. After you have
set all of the commands that you wish to save, you may then cycle the
power and check the display settings to ensure that all the settings have
been saved. If you wish to use remember again after cycling the power,
you must set it to on again.
• Writing to non-volatile memory is time consuming and slows down the operation of
the display.
• Non-volatile memory has a ‘write limit’ and may only be changed approximately
100,000 times.
Remembered No
Factory Default Do not remember
12.3 Data Lock
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0xCA [level]
Decimal 254 202 [level]
Parameter Length Description
level 1 Sets the data lock level
Matrix Orbital GLK24064-25 48