
Extended AT Commands Manual Page 11 of 70 2009-06-25
Term Description
Public Switched Telephone Network refers primarily to the telephone
system based on copper wires carrying voice, fax & data.
Remote Customer Equipment. Describes the MT2, Rm and TE2 as one
composite system.
Rm Hardwire Interface between MT2 and TE2.
SMS Short text Message Service.
Terminal Equipment 2. A TE2 is a data terminal device that has a non-
ISDN user-network interface, e.g., CCITT V series or CCITT X series.
Same as DTE. Products which can issue AT command set and handle
the response through UART or RS-232 signalling ports of the . The
popular examples of MT2 are PC’s, PDA and embedded systems i.e.
Data Logger, PLC etc.
Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter, the UART is a
microchip component that handles asynchronous serial
communication. Every computer contains a UART to manage the serial
ports, and some internal modems such as have their own UART.
UART 1(RS232 port) UART 2 (On serial for diagnostics)
UI User Interface.
Um Over-air interface between the MT2 and the BS.