Extended AT Commands Manual Page 36 of 70 2009-06-25
and replaced with the new received indications.
1 Discard indication and reject new received message unsolicited result codes when
TA-TE link is reserved (e.g. in on-line data mode). Otherwise forward them directly to
the TE.
2 Buffer unsolicited result codes in the TA when TA-TE link is reserved (e.g. in on-
line data mode) and flush them to the TE after reservation. Otherwise forward them
directly to the TE.
3 Forward unsolicited result codes directly to the TE. TA-TE link specific inband
technique used to embed result codes and data when TA is in on-line data mode.
NOTE 4: It is possible that ME/TA result code buffer is in volatile memory. In this
case messages may get lost if the power of ME/TA is switched off before codes are sent
to TE. Thus, it is not recommended to use direct message routing (<mt>=2 or 3, <bm>=2
or 3, or <ds>=1) with <mode> value 0 or 2.
the rules for storing received SMs depend on its data coding scheme (refer 3GPP TS
23.038 ), preferred memory storage (+CPMS) setting and this value;
NOTE 5: If AT command interface is acting as the only display device, the ME must
support storing of class 0 messages and messages in the message waiting indication group
(discard message);
No SMS-DELIVER indications are routed to the TE.
1 If SMS-DELIVER is stored into ME/TA, indication of the memory location is
routed to the TE using unsolicited result code:
+CMTI: <mem>,<index>
2 SMS-DELIVERs (except class 2 messages and messages in the message waiting
indication group (store message)) are routed directly to the TE using unsolicited result
+CMT: [<alpha>],<length><CR><LF><pdu> (PDU mode enabled); or
+CMT: <oa>,
<length>]<CR><LF><data> (text mode enabled; about parameters in italics, refer
command Show Text Mode Parameters +CSDH)
If ME has its own display device then class 0 messages and messages in the message
waiting indication group (discard message) may be copied to both ME display and to TE.
In this case, ME shall send the acknowledgement to the network.
Class 2 messages and messages in the message waiting indication group (store message)
result in indication as defined in <mt>=1.
3 Class 3 SMS-DELIVERs are routed directly to TE using unsolicited
result codes defined in <mt>=2. Messages of other data coding schemes
result in indication as defined in <mt>=1.
the rules for storing received CBMs depend on its data coding scheme
(refer 3GPP TS 23.038 ), the setting of Select CBM Types (+CSCB) and this