Extended AT Commands Manual Page 38 of 70 2009-06-25
NOTE: If the selected <mem1> can contain different types of SMs (e.g. SMS-DELIVERs, SMS-SUBMITs,
SMS-STATUS-REPORTs and SMS-COMMANDs), the response may be a mix of the responses of
different SM types. TE application can recognize the response format by examining the third response
Table 9. +CMGL action command syntax
Command Possible response(s)
if text mode (+CMGF=1), command successful and SMS-SUBMITs and/or SMS-
if text mode (+CMGF=1), command successful and SMS-STATUS-REPORTs:
+CMGL: <index>,<stat>,<fo>,<mr>,[<ra>],[<tora>],<scts>,<dt>,<st>
+CMGL: <index>,<stat>,<fo>,<mr>,[<ra>],[<tora>],<scts>,<dt>,<st>
if text mode (+CMGF=1), command successful and SMS-COMMANDs:
+CMGL: <index>,<stat>,<fo>,<ct>[<CR><LF>
+CMGL: <index>,<stat>,<fo>,<ct>[...]]
if text mode (+CMGF=1), command successful and CBM storage:
+CMGL: <index>,<stat>,<sn>,<mid>,<page>,<pages>
+CMGL: <index>,<stat>,<sn>,<mid>,<page>,<pages>
+CMS ERROR: <err>
+CMGL: (list of supported <stat>s) Read Message +CMGR
Execution command returns message with location value <index> from message storage <mem1>
to the TE. About text mode parameters in italics, refer command Show Text Mode Parameters
+CSDH. If status of the message is 'received unread', status in the storage changes to 'received
read'. If reading fails, final result code +CMS ERROR: <err> is returned. See chapter Message
Service Failure Result Code for <err> values.
Table 10. +CMGR action command syntax
Command Possible response(s)
if text mode (+CMGF=1), command successful and SMS-DELIVER:
>,<pid>,<dcs>, <sca>,<tosca>,<length>]<CR><LF><data>
if text mode (+CMGF=1), command successful and SMS-SUBMIT: