Extended AT Commands Manual Page 34 of 70 2009-06-25
same commands, but only when the length of the SMSC address coded into <pdu> parameter
equals zero
Table 5. +CSCA action command syntax
Command Possible response(s)
+CSCA: <sca>,<tosca>
+CSCA=? Set Text Mode Parameters +CSMP
Set command is used to select values for additional parameters needed when SM is sent to the
network or placed in a storage when text format message mode is selected. It is possible to set the
validity period starting from when the SM is received by the SMSC (<vp> is in range 0... 255) or
define the absolute time of the validity period termination (<vp> is a string). The format of <vp> is
given by <fo>. If TA supports the EVPF, see 3GPP TS 23.040 , it shall be given as a hexadecimal
coded string (refer e.g. <pdu>) with double quotes.
NOTE: When storing a SMS-DELIVER from the TE to the preferred memory storage in text mode (refer
command Write Message to Memory +CMGW), <vp> field can be used for <scts>.
Table 6. +CSMP action command syntax
Command Possible response(s)
+CSMP: <fo>,<vp>,<pid>,<dcs>
+CSMP=? Show Text Mode Parameters +CSDH
Set command controls whether detailed header information is shown in text mode result codes.
Test command returns supported values as a compound value
Table 7. +CSDH action command syntax
Command Possible response(s)
+CSDH: <show>
+CSDH: (list of supported <show>s)
do not show header values defined in commands +CSCA and +CSMP (<sca>,
<tosca>, <fo>, <vp>, <pid> and <dcs>) nor <length>, <toda> or <tooa> in
+CMT, +CMGL, +CMGR result codes for SMS-DELIVERs and SMS-SUBMITs in text
mode; for SMS-COMMANDs in +CMGR result code, do not show <pid>, <mn>, <da>,
<toda>, <length> or <cdata>
1 show the values in result codes