
Maxtor Atlas 10K V 5-97
5.22 READ DEFECT DATA Command (10) (37h)
The READ DEFECT DATA (10) command directs the drive to report defect
information about the drive’s medium. Refer to the FORMAT UNIT command for
information about defects. The data format and field descriptions are shown in Table
5-128 and Table 5-129 respectively. The data sent to the host in the command’s data-
in buffer transfer consists of a four-byte Defect List header (Table 5-132 and
Table 5-133), followed by any Defect Descriptors (Table 5-130 and Table 5-131).
The READ DEFECT DATA (10) Command Descriptor Block is shown in
Table 5-136; the data fields are described in Table 5-129.
Table 5-128 READ DEFECT DATA (10) Command-Data Format
765 4 3210
0 Operation Code (37h)
1 Reserved
2 Reserved Plist Glist Defect List Format
3 - 6 Reserved
7 - 8
Allocation Length
9 Control