
Maxtor Atlas 10K V 5-123
Hdwe Error
0x06 0x90 Invalid CP18 on disk
0x06 0x91 Invalid CP21 on disk
0x06 0x92 Invalid CP22 in NVR
0x06 0x93 Head polarity cal failed.
0x06 0x94 Svo: Invalid head polarity vector in CP23
0x06 0x95 Seek 1 failure during servo writer erase band resync
0x06 0x96 Seek failure during ARCs Calibration
0x06 0x97 Seek failure during Pes Linearization
0x06 0x98 Error during Pes Lin bode measurement
0x06 0x99 Seek 2 failure during servo writer erase band resync
0x06 0x9A Seek failure during pes linearization table update
0x06 0x9B Motor speed error after turbo spin recovery
0x06 0x9C Electrical offset calibration returned an invalid value
0x06 0x9D Went servo dead during head polarity/coarse ATT cal.
0x06 0x9E Data consistency failure during PES Linearization
0x06 0x9F Couldn't find sync in the erase band & couldn't restart servo
0x06 0xA0 Went servo dead after completing a seek
0x06 0xA1 Successful sync not in the erase band
0x06 0xA2 ID GAMMA projected value out of range
0x06 0xA3 OD GAMMA calibration values out of range
0x06 0xA4 OD GAMMA projected value out of range
0x06 0xA5 Could not start estimator on printed media
0x06 0xA6 Too many spoke errors on printed media-1st
0x06 0xA7 Too many spoke errors on printed media-2nd
0x06 0xA8 Too much variation in position at crash stop
0x06 0xA9 Unable to determine a unique index
0x06 0xAA Too much runout at the crash stop even with BCVs
0x06 0xAB Crash stop position too large or too small
0x06 0xAC Too much position runout at the crash stop
0x06 0xAD Milli plant mag out of range
0x06 0xAE Milli loop mag out of range
0x06 0xAF Seek error for gamma frequency
0x06 0xB0 Seek error for FF Gain
0x06 0xB1 Cant find good track
0x06 0xB2 Servo Busy too long
0x09 0x00 Track following error
0x09 0x91 Svo:TA Err-1st
0x09 0x92 Svo:TA Err-2nd
0x09 0x93 Svo:Bad Sync-1st
0x09 0x94 Svo:Bad Sync-2nd
0x09 0x95 Svo: Offtrack Prediction Err-1st