
Maxtor Atlas 10K V 5-15
5.8.1 Five Forms of FORMAT UNIT Commands
Five different forms of the FORMAT UNIT command are supported through
different combinations of the Format Data bit, Complete List bit, and the information
in the Defect List Length field. (Refer to FORMAT UNIT Defect Header List for a
description of the Defect List Length field.) The different command forms give the
initiator control over the contents of the Grown Defect List. Table 5-13 describes the
contents of the Grown Defect List after FORMAT UNIT command execution.
Table 5-13 FORMAT UNIT Command Supported Options
5.8.2 FORMAT UNIT Parameter List
The FORMAT UNIT Parameter List (Table 5-14) consists of a Defect List Header
(Table 5-15) followed by one or more Defect Descriptors. Descriptors are either four
bytes or eight bytes in length.
Table 5-14 FORMAT UNIT Parameter List-Data Format
FmtDat CmpLst
Contents of Grown Defect List after FORMAT UNIT
Command Execution
All sectors found to be bad, but not listed in the Primary Defect List or
Grown Defect List, are added to the Grown Defect List.
1 0 0 Same as above.
11 0
The existing Grown Defect List is discarded. A new Grown Defect List is
generated, containing All sectors found to be bad, but not listed in the Pri-
mary Defect List.
10 >0
The Grown Defect List contains:
Original Grown Defect List
All sectors found to be bad, but not listed in the Primary Defect List.
A list of sectors supplied by the initiator. These sectors are passed in defect
descriptors in the data-out buffer transfer that occurs as part of the FOR-
MAT UNIT command.
11 >0
Same as the case above, except that the current Grown Defect List is dis-
carded before formatting begins.
765 4 3210
0 - 3 Defect List Header
Initialization Pattern Descriptor (if any)
Defect Descriptors (if any)