The following conventions are used when referring to actions performed using the keyboard:
Table 4. Keyboard Action Conventions
ActionVerb [item on which to act]
Press and release the specified key.Press [key]
Tap [key]
Hold down the specified key during the command or action.Hold [key]
Type the specified textType [text]
To select more than one item using the mouse by holding the Shift or
Cmd (OS X, some Linuxes) or Ctrl (MS Windows, some Linuxes) while
clicking the items.
Hold the specified modifier key(s) (Shift, Cmd, Ctrl, Alt, Fn, etceteras)
and tap the ordinary key (alphabetic, numeric, or function key).
Key name+key name
(e.g. Shift+X, Cmd+H)
Hold the specified modifier key(s), then drag the item.Key name+drag [item]
(e.g. Ctrl+drag item)
Tap the keys in sequence. For example, Alt+F, G indicates that one
should hold the Alt key and tap F, then release both keys and tap G.
Key name, key name
(e.g. Alt+F, G)
The following typographical conventions are used to help differentiate different word meanings:
Table 5. Typographic Conventions
MeaningTypographic Style
No special meaning.Normal text
Important text.Emphasis
Very important text.
Strong emphasis
Data to be typed on the keyboard.
Data to be typed
Command or shortcut to be typed on the keyboard.‹Key name+key name›
The name of a control on the screen.
Control Label
The “path” to select the specified command or control.
Menu > Sub-menu > Command
The name of a file.
The name of a document or part of a document. Often a reference to
a section
Document reference