2. Make your control setting changes. All selected, non-isolated channels are linked and will
share the control setting value.
Select linking can be momentarily disabled by holding the ‹Cmd › key when mousing or using
‹Cmd+Enter › when entering a control value.
See Separating Select and Link Group Behaviors (p. 44) for details regarding the interaction of
Select and link groups.
Selecting Many Channels Simultaneously (Link Groups)
Mass selection of channels is possible through the use of link groups. When using link groups,
enabling and clearing Select for a channel will simultaneously enable or clear Select for all
channels in the link group. Up to three groups of input channels and eight groups of output
channels may be configured. Isolated channels can be excluded or included in link group
selections, depending on a preference setting.
Select the Compass > Channel Linking Preferences page.
Set Link Groups and Selects Mode to Selected channels are always selected in groups
in part of an enabled Link Group.
Set Isolate Linking Behavior:
Select Isolated channels will not be included when linking from another channel
if you want isolated channels to be excluded from link group selection unless the
isolated channel is specifically selected.
Select Isolated channels will be included when linking from another channel if
you want isolated channels to be included in link group selection, so that clicking any
channel in the group results in the isolated channel also being selected.
Select the [Galileo Unit] > Settings > Link Groups page.
Assign the appropriate channels to a single link group. Enable that link group.
Linked channels have a dark blue (light blue) background.
Linking behavior can be momentarily disabled by holding the ‹Cmd › key when mousing or
using ‹Cmd+Enter › when entering a control value.