Compass is client-side software that connects to a Galileo 616 server and acts as a control
interface to the functions provided by the Galileo. The same functions are also available through
the front panel controls of the Galileo.
Communication between the Compass client and Galileo server takes place over standard
Ethernet network. As with other network applications, Compass requires appropriate access
to TCP/IP addresses and ports; if you have enabled a firewall or other access-restriction software
on your workstation, you may need to configure it to allow Compass to communicate with
Galileos. If you use firewall software on your workstation or network router, you will need to
open TCP/IP ports 15001 and 15002.
Compass auto-detection of connected Galileo 616 units is currently restricted to the primary
Ethernet port. If connections are made through alternate ports, connections must be configured
Virtual Galileo
Virtual Galileo substitutes a local (“running on the workstation”) Galileo 616 server in place of
a physical Galileo 616 server. This local server performs all the internal functions provided by
a real Galileo 616 (with the exception of passing audio signal).
Communication between the Compass client and Virtual Galileo server takes place over the
same standard network system as used when communicating with real Galileos. However, a
different set of TCP/IP addresses and ports are used. Your firewall should not interfere with
these communications, as they are local to the workstation.
Virtual Galileo is useful as a stand-in for real hardware during those times you need to develop
configurations without having access to Galileo hardware.