Displaying EQ Plot Control Handles
Selecting an EQ control page will normally display only the control handles for that plot type.
If you wish to see other EQ handles as well:
Enable Settings, select the Handles page, and select the types of EQ control handle you
want displayed.
The Automatic Handles setting controls whether selecting an EQ page will display the control
handles for that plot type automatically. If this setting is cleared the plot may be viewed without
Viewing EQ Plots With/Without Composite Addition
An EQ plot may be viewed on its own, without the influence of other EQ types, or as a composite
of all EQ types.
Enable Settings, select the Response page, and enable/clear the EQ response components
you wish to view or hide.
Parametric EQ
Compass provides a digital version of the Meyer Sound CP-10 filter set through its five-band
(inputs) and ten-band (outputs) complementary phase parametric equalizers. As a second-order
filter, it is ideal for treating interaction artifacts.
Setting Parametric EQ Values
There are several methods available to set the value of a parametric EQ band:
Drag an EQ handle. Dragging a parametric EQ handle usually moves it in the gain/frequency
plane. This behavior can be changed:
Hold ‹Alt › while dragging to adjust the bandwidth/gain plane.
Drag the plot handles to adjust specific parameters:
Drag the red handle to adjust frequency.
Drag the amber handle to adjust gain.