Configuring the Switch
stops sending hello messages or sends other messages indicating that it is no
longer acting as the designated router.
• You can add a delay to the preempt function to give additional time to receive an
advertisement message from the current master before taking control. If the router
attempting to become the master has just come on line, this delay also gives it time
to gather information for its routing table before actually preempting the currently
active master router.
Field Attributes (HSRP Group Configuration)
– ID of a VLAN configured with an IP interface. (Range: 1-4094; Default: 1)
• Group – HSRP group identifier. (Range: 1-255)
• State – HSRP router role. (Values: Master, Backup)
• Virtual Address – Virtual IP address for this group.
• Hellotime – Interval at which the master and standby virtual routers send
advertisements communicating their state.
• Holdtime – Time before the master or standby router is declared down.
• Preemption – Shows if this router is allowed to preempt the acting master.
• Priority – Priority of this router in the HSRP group.
Command Attributes (HSRP Group Configuration Detail)
• Hellotime – Interval at which the master and standby virtual routers send
advertisements communicating their state. (Range: 1-254 seconds; Default: 3)
- HSRP advertisements from the master and standby virtual router include
information about their priority, timer values, and current state as the master or
standby router.
- Routers on which the timer settings have not been configured can learn the
current timer values from the master or standby router. Timers configured on the
master router always override any other timer settings. All routers in an HSRP
group should be configured with the same timer values.
- HSRP advertisements are sent to the multicast address Using a
multicast address reduces the amount of traffic that has to processed by network
devices that are not part of the designated HSRP group.
• Holdtime – Time before the master or standby router is declared down.
(Range: Hellotime+1 to 255 seconds; Default: 10 seconds)
- If the master router stops sending advertisements, backup routers will bid to
become the master based on priority. The hold time before declaring a router
dead should be normally be set to a value 3 times or more than the hello time.
• Preempt Mode – Allows a backup router to take over as the master virtual router
if it has a higher priority than the acting master virtual router
. (Default: Disabled)
• Preempt Delay – Time to wait before issuing a claim to become the master.
(Range: 0-3600 seconds; 0 seconds)
• Priority – Priority of this router in an HSRP group. (Range: 1-255; Default: 100)