Router Redundancy Commands
show standby interface
This command displays HSRP status information for the specified interface.
show standby interface vlan vlan-id [group group] [active | init | listen |
standby] [brief]
• vlan-id - Identifier of configured VLAN interface. (Range: 1-4094)
• group - Identifies the HSRP group. (Range: 0-255)
•active - Displays HSRP groups in the active state.
•init - Displays HSRP groups in the initial state.
•listen - Displays HSRP groups in the listen or learn state.
• standby - Displays HSRP groups in the standby or speak state.
• brief - Displays summary information for all HSRP groups on this router.
Displays detailed information for each group.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
This example displays the full listing of status information for VLAN 1.
For a description of the displayed information, see the preceding “show standby” command.
Console#show standby interface vlan 1 group 1
Vlan 1 - Group 1
Local State is Active, priority 5 (confgd 10), may preempt
Preemption delayed for 10 secs
Hellotime 6 sec, holdtime 18 sec
Next hello sent in 0: 0: 0
Host standby IP address is configured
Active router is local
Standby router is unknown
Standby virtual mac address is 0- 0- C- 7-AC- 1
Authentication text "bluebird"
Tracking interface states for 1 interfaces, 0 up
Down Vlan2 5
Console#show standby interface vlan 1 group 1 brief
Interface Grp Prio P State Active addr Standby addr Group addr
Vlan1 1 5 T Active Local