Command Line Interface
IP Interface Commands
There are no IP addresses assigned to this router by default. You must manually
configure a new address to manage the router over your network or to connect the
router to existing IP subnets. You may also need to a establish a default gateway
between this device and management stations or other devices that exist on another
network segment (if routing is not enabled).
This section includes commands for configuring IP interfaces, the Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP) and Proxy ARP. These commands are used to connect
subnetworks to the enterprise network.
Basic IP Configuration
ip address
This command sets the IP address for the currently selected VLAN interface. Use
the no form to restore the default IP address.
ip address {ip-address netmask | bootp | dhcp} [secondary]
no ip address
• ip-address - IP address
• netmask - Network mask for the associated IP subnet. This mask identifies
the host address bits used for routing to specific subnets.
• bootp - Obtains IP address from BOOTP.
• dhcp - Obtains IP address from DHCP.
• secondary - Specifies a secondary IP address.
Table 4-75 IP Interface Commands
Command Group Function Page
Basic IP Configuration Configures the IP address for interfaces and the gateway router 4-236
Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP)
Configures static, dynamic and proxy ARP service 4-241
Table 4-76 Basic IP Configuration Commands
Command Function Mode Page
ip address Sets the IP address for the current interface IC 4-236
ip default-gateway Defines the default gateway through which this router can reach
other subnetworks
GC 4-238
show ip interface Displays the IP settings for this device PE 4-239
show ip redirects Displays the default gateway configured for this device PE 4-239
ping Sends ICMP echo request packets to another node on the
NE, PE 4-239