Multicast Routing
which this device has received probes, and is used to verify whether or not these
neighbors are still active members of the multicast tree. (Range: 1-65535 seconds;
Default: 10 seconds)
• Neighbor Timeout Interval – Sets the interval to wait for messages from a
DVMRP neighbor before declaring it dead. This command is used for timing out
routes, and for setting the children and leaf flags. (Range: 1-65535 seconds;
Default: 35 seconds)
• Report Interval – Specifies how often to propagate the complete set of routing
tables to other neighbor DVMRP routers. (Range: 1-65535 seconds;
Default: 60 seconds)
• Flash Update Interval – Specifies how often to send trigger updates, which reflect
changes in the network topology.
• Prune Lifetime – Specifies how long a prune state will remain in effect for a
multicast tree. (Range: 1-65535; Default: 7200 seconds)
• Default Gateway
– Specifies the default DVMRP gateway for IP multicast traffic.
(Default: none)
- The specified interface advertises itself as a default route to neighboring
DVMRP routers. It advertises the default route out through its other interfaces.
Neighboring routers on the other interfaces return Poison Reverse messages for
the default route back to the router. When the router receives these messages,
it records all the downstream routers for the default route.
- When multicast traffic with an unknown source address (i.e., not found in the
route table) is received on the default upstream route interface, the router
forwards this traffic out through the other interfaces (with known downstream
routers). However, when multicast traffic with an unknown source address is
received on another interface, the router drops it because only the default
upstream interface can forward multicast traffic from an unknown source.
23. CLI only.