Mitel Networks Speech Server
Recording Your Primary Greeting
To record your primary greeting
1. Dial the Speech Server extension number. Login if necessary.
2. Say “User Options” and then “Record my primary greeting.”
3. When prompted, say your greeting, and then press the # key after completing the
4. After hearing the recorded greeting, say “Yes” or “No” to accept or reject the greeting. If
necessary, re-record your greeting until you are satisfied.
Changing Your Name Recording
The system records your name during your enrollment. If you wish to change your name
recording at a later date, you can easily do so with the Attendant.
To change the recording of your name
1. Dial the Speech Server extension number. Login if necessary.
2. Say "Record my name." The system asks you if you want to record your name or hear
your name.
3. Say "Record name."
4. Say your first and last name.
5. Say "Yes" to keep the recording.
Note: You can also record your primary greeting after saying “Messenger” or “Desktop.”
Simply follow the above procedure, but say “Messenger” or “Desktop" instead of “User
Note: Greeting OptionswithintheUser Options menu also lets you record your primary
greeting, record an alternative greeting, and listen to your programmed greetings. See
Setting User Options, on page 42.
Tip: To listen to your programmed primary greeting, you can say “User options,”
“Greeting options,” and then “Listen to primary greeting.”