Mitel Networks Speech Server
- Use partial login if you want immediate access to names in the Company Directory and
in your Personal Directory. Also use partial login if you want the system to perform a
security check before providing access to your messages. The security check is the
entering of your PIN number with your telephone keypad before accessing your mes-
sages. You may want to program your desk phone with partial login.
Manual Login
- Provides access to your messages after you say “Login,” your login ID, and then
- Use manual login if security is important. With manual login, you have immediate
access to the names listed in the Company Directory. Access to other functionality
(Personal Directory, User Options, Messenger, Calendar, and Task Manager) requires
your voiceprint identification with your spoken login ID. You may want to program a
phone that serves many users (a lobby or a department phone) with manual login.
5. Set the call restrictions for your cellular phone, home, fax, or pager number. In the Privacy
drop-down menu, select Public, Trusted Users or Private. "Public" lets everyone call
you, "Trusted Users" lets callers logged into the Speech Server system call you, and
"Private" restricts everyone from calling you at that number. For example, if the cellular
phone belonging to Dave Black is set to "Public" on his Personal Web Page, an outside
caller can call Speech Server and say "Dave Black on his cell phone," and be able to call
Dave Black on his cellular phone if Dave Black is listed in the Company Directory.
6. Click Save.
Setting Your Forwarding Options
You may want your calls forwarded to your voice mail if you don’t want to be interrupted, or
you may want to have your calls forwarded to your cellular phone, or to a location (other than
your office) that you frequently work in.
To set your call forwarding
1. In your Personal Web Page, click Reach Me.
2. In the Reach Me field, select the device or location where you want to be reached, or enter
a temporary number that you want your calls forwarded to. The office number is the default
3. Click Indefinitely if you want the system to direct your calls to the Reach me number until
thenexttimeyouresettheReach Me field
Click Until and then select the date and time at which you want the forwarding to expire.
4. In the Forward My Faxes To field, enter the number for the fax machine that you want to
direct your messages to. The system uses this fax number as a default setting in response
Note: The call forwarding feature is dependent on the Mobility option being enabled and
the forwarding to a fax machine feature is dependent on the Fax Integration option being