Mitel Networks Speech Server
To make a Voice Contact category
1. In Microsoft Outlook, open your Contacts folder.
2. Right-click a contact name.
3. Select Categories from the pop-up menu.
4. Click the Master Category List button.
5. In the New category text box, type Voice Contact, click Add and then OK.
6. In the Categories window, click OK.
To enter your existing contacts in the Voice Contact category
1. Right-click the contact name or hold down the Ctrl key, select multiple contacts, and then
right click on the last contact name.
2. Select Categories from the pop-up menu.
3. Select the check box for Voice Contact.
4. Click OK.
To enter a new contact in the Voice Contact category
1. In the Untitled Contact window, click Categories after adding the information for the new
2. Select the check box for Voice Contact.
3. Click OK.
Recording Contact Names
When you request a contact on your Personal Directory list, the Attendant plays back the
requested name to confirm the destination before it routes the call. By default, the Attendant
plays a computer-generated name (TTS); however, you can record the name yourself and the
system will use your recorded name to confirm calls.
Use your Personal Web Page and your phone to record the names.
To record the contact in your Personal Directory
1. Log in to your Personal Web Page.
2. Click the contact name that you want to record in your Personal Directory.
3. Click Record Name.
Tip: If you have a large number of contacts in Microsoft Outlook, you can use the Voice
Contact category to select the contacts that you want to use as voice contacts.
Tip: You can quickly view which contacts belong to the Voice Contact category by
clicking the View menu, selecting Current View, and then By Category.Microsoft
Outlook will display your contact list, sorted by category.