Mitel Networks Speech Server
Checking Your Calendar
Appointments and Meeting Requests are managed with your voice commands using the
Outlook Calendar in Microsoft Outlook. Using voice commands with Calendar is dependent on
the Calendar and Task Management system option. For further information on the functionality
of Outlook Calendar, refer to the Help files in Microsoft Outlook.
Checking Events
To check for scheduled events
1. Dial the Speech Server extension number. Login if necessary.
2. Say "Calendar," The system provides you with a summary of the events scheduled for the
remainder of the day.
3. If you want to check the events foranother day, say"Check Calendar," andwhen prompted,
say the date, for example, "Wednesday" or "October 5."
4. Say "Play." When playing the events scheduled you can say, "Next," "Previous," "Delete,"
"Make Changes," or "Play again."
5. You can say the following options:
Checking Availability
To check if you are available for a specific time in your calendar
1. Dial the Speech Server extension number. Login if necessary.
2. Say "Calendar."
3. Say "Check Availability."
4. When prompted say the date, for example, "Tomorrow," "Friday," or "September 6."
5. When prompted, say the time, for example, "9 a.m" or "1300 hours.".
6. If the time is available, you can say "Create an appointment," "Create meeting request,"
"Back to Calendar," or "Desktop." If the time is not available, the Attendant will tell you
what is scheduled, and you are returned to Calendar so you can check for another time.
Note: Calendar functionality is only supported in English. If using French, you must say
"English" to switch to English before saying "Calendar".
Say... To
"Check Calendar" Hear the summary of events for another day
"Create appointment" Create an appointment in Calendar
"Create meeting request" Create a meeting in Calendar
"Check availability" Find out if a specific time of day is free
"Summary" Repeat the current summary
"Desktop" Return to the Desktop.