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13.2 Various Data Control
(2) Advanced recipe record list screen
Touching the [Execute] button on the advanced recipe information screen after selecting the advanced recipe
file, this screen appears.
Records selected in each advanced recipe file can be displayed or saved/loaded.
Number Item Description
(1) No. Record No. of advanced recipe file is displayed.
(2) Attr
Attribution of record is displayed.
Attribution of record can be changed with GT Designer3.
V: Record can be loaded/saved(Record whose value is selected.)
VP: Record only for loading(Record whose value is selected and cannot be changed.)
Blank: Record only for saving(Record whose value is deleted or not selected.)
P: Record unusable (reserved area)(Record whose value is not selected and cannot be changed.)
(3) Record Comment Record Comment is displayed.
File Name Path and name of recipe file are displayed.
Setting No. Recipe No. is displayed.
Name Recipe name is displayed.
(5) Operation switch Execution switch of each function.