18 - 20
18.2 Error Message and System Alarm
*1 When an error occurs, "FFH" is stored to the channel No.
Logging setting does not exist or
setting value error.
The logging setting specified in the historical trend graph setting does not
Review the historical trend graph setting and specify a logging setting that
605 USB device I/F error
The error may be caused by a failure in the GOT. Please consult your
local Mitsubishi (Electric System) Service center or representative.
Improper job files.
Confirm job setting.
The contents for job files are unmatched with the settings for job files.
Check if there are mistakes in the settings on the setting screen.
Cannot access Logging Files
Check the memory card
• Insert a SD card or USB memory.
• Turn on the SD card access switch.
• If the SD card or USB memory have unnecessary files, delete the files.
613 Error in writing logfile
• Insert a SD card or USB memory.
• Turn on the SD card access switch.
• Check if the SD card or USB memory is writable.
614 Error in reading logfile
• Insert a SD card or USB memory.
• Turn on the SD card access switch.
• Check if the SD card or USB memory is readable.
Cannot connect to MES Server.
Check the Server.
The server does not work normally or the connection path to the server is
made up incorrectly.
• Check the operating conditions of the server.
• Check the network to the server.
Cannot connect to SNTP Server.
Check the Server.
The settings for the SNTP server are wrong or the network to the SNTP
server is made up incorrectly.
• Check the operating conditions of the STNP server.
• Check the network to the SNTP server.
An error occurred in a FTP client
Reconfigure the GOT (FTP client) setting.
Check the operating status and network line of the FTP server.
For the error details, check the GOT special register GS989 (FTP
communication error notification).
800 Abnormal module status Refer to explanations of SB0020 on the applicable network manual.
801 Abnormal baton passing status Refer to explanations of SB0047 on the applicable network manual.
Abnormal cyclic transmission
Refer to explanations of SB0049 on the applicable network manual.
803 Transient error Refer to explanations of SB00EE on the applicable network manual.
850 CC-Link switch setting error
• Check if the switch settings have no error.
• Check error codes stored in SW006A.
• Refer to explanations of SB006A on the applicable network manual
Abnormal cyclic transmission
• Check if terminating resistors are connected.
• Check error codes for the PLC CPU.
• Check the parameter for the PLC CPU on the master station.
• Check the error status of the master station.
• Refer to explanations of SB006E on the applicable network manual.
852 Abnormal host line status
• Check if the cable is unplugged or not.
• Refer to explanations of SB0090 on the applicable network manual.
853 Transient error
• Check the transient error occurrence status for each station stored in
SW0094 to SW0097.
• Refer to explanations of SB0094.
Error message Action
Channel No.