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License key (for GT SoftGOT1000)
Abbreviations and generic terms Description
GT Works3
Abbreviation of the SW DNC-GTWK3-E and SW DNC-GTWK3-EA
GT Designer3 Abbreviation of screen drawing software GT Designer3 for GOT1000 series
GT Simulator3 Abbreviation of screen simulator GT Simulator3 for GOT1000/GOT900 series
GT SoftGOT1000 Abbreviation of monitoring software GT SoftGOT1000
GT Converter2 Abbreviation of data conversion software GT Converter2 for GOT1000/GOT900 series
GT Designer2 Classic Abbreviation of screen drawing software GT Designer2 Classic for GOT900 series
GT Designer2 Abbreviation of screen drawing software GT Designer2 for GOT1000/GOT900 series
iQ Works Abbreviation of iQ Platform compatible engineering environment MELSOFT iQ Works
MELSOFT Navigator
Generic term for integrated development environment software included in the SW DNC-IQWK (iQ
Platform compatible engineering environment MELSOFT iQ Works)
GX Works2
Abbreviation of SW DNC-GXW2-E and SW DNC-GXW2-EA type programmable controller
engineering software
GX Simulator2 Abbreviation of GX Works2 with the simulation function
GX Simulator
Abbreviation of SW D5C-LLT-E(-EV) type ladder logic test tool function software packages
(SW5D5C-LLT (-EV) or later versions)
GX Developer
Abbreviation of SW D5C-GPPW-E(-EV)/SW D5F-GPPW-E type software package
GX LogViewer
Abbreviation of SW DNN-VIEWER-E type software package
PX Developer
Abbreviation of SW D5C-FBDQ-E type FBD software package for process control
MT Works2
Abbreviation of motion controller engineering environment MELSOFT MT Works2
MT Developer
Abbreviation of SW RNC-GSV type integrated start-up support software for motion controller Q series
MR Configurator2
Abbreviation of SW DNC-MRC2-E type Servo Configuration Software
MR Configurator
Abbreviation of MRZJW -SETUP E type Servo Configuration Software
FR Configurator
Abbreviation of Inverter Setup Software (FR-SW -SETUP-WE)
NC Configurator Abbreviation of CNC parameter setting support tool NC Configurator
FX Configurator-FP
Abbreviation of parameter setting, monitoring, and testing software packages for FX3U-20SSC-H
FX3U-ENET-L Configuration tool Abbreviation of FX3U-ENET-L type Ethernet module setting software (SW1D5-FXENETL-E)
RT ToolBox2 Abbreviation of robot program creation software (3D-11C-WINE)
MX Component
Abbreviation of MX Component Version (SW D5C-ACT-E, SW D5C-ACT-EA)
MX Sheet
Abbreviation of MX Sheet Version (SW D5C-SHEET-E, SW D5C-SHEET-EA)
LCPU Logging Configuration Tool Abbreviation of LCPU Logging Configuration Tool (SW1DNN-LLUTL-E)
Abbreviations and generic terms Description