Appendix.2 Usage Condition of Utility Function
App - 7
Appendix.2 Usage Condition of Utility Function
The function which can be used differs according to the GOT type.
Moreover, there are the function which can be set with drawing software and the function which cannot be set.
: Applicable : Not applicable -: Not required
Item Functions overview GT14 GT11
Communication setting
Assigning channel numbers and communication drivers to communication
Setting communication parameters
Setting or deleting sequence program protection key words, canceling
sequence program protection status (When connecting to FX series CPU)
Ethernet setting Displaying the contents of Ethernet setting, changing the host
GOT setup
Switching message languages
Setting the startup screen display time and screen saving time
Setting the backlight to ON or OFF during screen saving
Setting the battery alarm display to ON or OFF
Adjusting brightness and contrast
Inverting colors
Setting the buzzer volume and window move buzzer
Setting the key sensitivity and key reaction speed
Changing security levels
Setting the utility call keys
Adjusting the touch panel
Setting the USB mouse and keyboard
Transparent mode
Setting the channel No. to be used for the communication for the FA
transparent function
Setting the storage locations for backup data and backup settings, and
setting the maximum number of backup data
Trigger backup settings
Setting the CPU No. setting at backup to "YES" or "NO"
Behavior of duplicate IPs
Setting the GOT operation when a device with the same IP address as that
of the GOT is added to the network afterwards
data control
OS information Installing or uploading OS, displaying OS property, checking OS data
Alarm information
Deleting or copying alarm log files
Converting alarm log files in G1A format CSV or TXT format
Project information
Downloading, uploading, deleting or copying project files, displaying project
file property, checking project file data
Hard copy information Deleting or copying hard copy files, changing hard copy file names
Advanced Recipe information
Converting advanced recipe files in G1P format CSV or TXT format
Converting advanced recipe files in CSV or TXT format G1P format
Deleting, copying or moving advanced recipe files, creating a new advanced
recipe file
Deleting or moving advanced recipe folders, changing advanced recipe
folder names, creating a new advanced recipe folder
Writing, reading or matching record data and deleting device values with the
advanced recipe record list
Logging information
Converting logging files in G1L format CSV or TXT format
Deleting, copying or moving logging files, changing logging file names
Deleting logging folders or creating a new logging folder
Memory card format Formatting a SD card or USB memory, internal SRAM
Memory information Displaying the available memory of the GOT
USB device status display Displaying the status of USB device
SRAM control Back up, restoring and initializing of the SRAM user area
GOT data package acquisition Copying the OS, special data, and project data to a CF card or USB memory