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Chapter 5 Data Used for Positioning Control
5.1.9 Types and roles of monitor data
The monitor data area in the buffer memory stores data relating to the operating state
of the positioning system, which are monitored as required while the positioning
system is operating.
The following data are available for monitoring.
System monitoring:
Monitoring of the specification and operation history of Simple Motion module
(system monitor data [Md.1] to [Md.19], [Md.50] to [Md.59],
[Md.61], [Md.130] to
Axis operation monitoring:
Monitoring of the current position and speed, and other data related to the
movements of axes (axis monitor data [Md.20] to
[Md.48], [Md.100] to [Md.116],
to [Md.125], [Md.500], [Md.502])
[1] Monitoring the system
Monitoring the positioning system operation history
Monitoring details Corresponding item
Whether the system is in the test mode or not
In test mode flag
History of data that
started an operation
Start information
Start information
Start No.
Start No.
Year: month
Start Year: month
Day: hour
Start Day: hour
Minute: second
Start Minute: second
Error upon starting
Error judgment
Pointer No. next to the pointer No.
where the latest history is stored
Start history pointer
History of all errors
Axis in which the error occurred
Axis in which the error occurred
Axis error No.
Axis error No.
Servo alarm
Servo alarm
Driver operation alarm number
Driver operation alarm number
Axis error
Year: month
Axis error occurrence (Year: month)
Day: hour
Axis error occurrence (Day: hour)
Minute: second
Axis error occurrence (Minute: second)
Pointer No. next to the pointer No.
where the latest history is stored
Error history pointer