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Chapter 12 Expansion Control
Chapter 12 Expansion Control
The details and usage of expansion control are explained in this chapter.
Expansion control includes the speed-torque control to execute the speed control and torque
control not including position loop
and the synchronous control to synchronize with input axis
using software with "synchronous control parameter" instead of controlling mechanically
with gear, shaft, speed change gear or cam, etc.
Execute the required settings to match each control.
12.1 Speed-torque control .............................................................................................. 12- 2
12.1.1 Outline of speed-torque control ................................................................ 12- 2
12.1.2 Setting the required parameters for speed-torque control ....................... 12- 4
12.1.3 Setting the required data for speed-torque control .................................. 12- 5
12.1.4 Operation of speed-torque control ............................................................ 12- 7
12.2 Synchronous control ............................................................................................... 12- 34