12 - 30
Chapter 12 Expansion Control
Torque command setting method
During the continuous operation to torque control mode, set time for the command
torque to increase from 0% to "[Pr.17] Torque limit setting value" in "[Cd.151]
Torque time constant at continuous operation to torque control mode (Forward
direction)" and for the command torque to decrease from "[Pr.17] Torque limit
setting value" to 0% in "[Cd.152] Torque time constant at continuous operation to
torque control mode (Negative direction)". The value at continuous operation to
torque control mode switching request is valid for "[Cd.151]" and "[Cd.152]". The
command torque during the continuous operation to torque control mode is limited
with "[Pr.17] Torque limit setting value".
If torque exceeding the torque limit setting value is commanded, the warning
"Torque limit value over" (warning code: 520) occurs, and the operation is
controlled with the torque limit setting value.
Confirm the command torque to servo amplifier with "[Md.123] Torque during
During the continuous operation to torque control mode, "Torque limit" ("[Md.108]
Servo status" (high-order buffer memory address): b13) does not turn ON. Confirm
the current torque value in "[Md.104] Motor current value".
Buffer memory address (High-order)
QD77MS2/QD77MS4 QD77MS16
[Md.108] Servo status: b13
877+100n 2477+100n
n: Axis No.-1