User’s manual NAVIGON 33xx | 43xx max
- 16 - Password Lock
3.1 Manual
An excerpt of this manual describing the most important functions of the
navigation software is saved on the navigation device.
To open the manual:
1. Tap in the N
AVIGATION window on Options > Manual.
The T
ABLE OF CONTENTS window opens.
2. Tap on the name of the chapter you want to read.
The content of the chapter is shown.
With the
(Up) and (Down) buttons you can scroll up one page
and down one page respectively.
With the
(To the Left) and (To the Right) buttons you can
open the previous or the next chapter respectively.
► Tap on the Table of Contents button in order to open the TABLE OF
CONTENTS window.
► Tap on the (Close) button in order to close the manual.
The N
AVIGATION window is opened.
3.2 Options
Some windows offer options that lead to more functions.
A description of all available options can be found in the chapter
"Options" on page 43.
4 Password Lock
You can protect your navigation system from unauthoriised use by
creating a password.
4.1 Activating password protection
1. In the NAVIGATION window tap on Options > Settings > Options >
Password Lock
The N
EW PASSWORD window opens.
2. Enter a password in the New password
box and tap on Next.
3. Enter this password again in the Confirm new password
4. Tap on Activate