User’s manual NAVIGON 33xx | 43xx max
- 56 - Navigation
Note: The block is valid only for the current navigation. It no longer
exists on a new navigation.
You are currently in a navigation. The map is open in Navigation mode.
1. Tap on Options
Buttons with various functions will be displayed.
2. Tap on Block
The B
LOCK menu opens. It contains buttons with different distance
3. Select the distance you want to block.
Note: If you are currently driving on a motorway, the alternative route
will begin at the next exit. Indicated on the buttons is the junction up to
which the block extends.
The system recalculates the route. The blocked route section will be
avoided. It is marked on the map in red.
Unblocking a route section
► Tap on Options > Unblock.
The block will be lifted. The system recalculates the route. The un-
blocked route section can now be integrated into the calculation.
6.7.5 Turn-by-Turn List
You can display detailed directions of the calculated route before
starting navigation or at any time during navigation. This list displays all
of the driving instructions in table form.
The map is open in Preview mode:
► Tap on Options > Turn-by-Turn List.
The map is open in Navigation mode or in Reality View mode:
► Tap on Options > Route > Turn-by-Turn List.
The T
URN-BY-TURN LIST window opens.