User’s manual NAVIGON 33xx | 43xx max
Handsfree Module (only NAVIGON 4350 max) - 71 -
7.4.4 Transferring a call to the mobile phone
► Tap in the CALL IN PROGRESS window on Options > Use Mobile
You can now continue the call from your mobile phone.
7.4.5 Ending the call
► Tap in the CALL IN PROGRESS window on the Hang up button in
order to end the call.
7.5 Useful functions
7.5.1 Navigating to a contact from the phone book
You can also use the address of a contact in the phone book as a
destination for the navigation system.
1. In the H
ANDSFREE MODULE window tap on Phone Book.
2. Select from the phone book the contact you want to navigate to.
3. Tap on
The S
ELECTED PHONE BOOK ENTRY window opens. It shows up to
two addresses and up to four phone numbers which have been
saved for the selected contact.
4. Tap on the
(Start Navigation) button alongside the address you
want to navigate to.
You can also select addresses from the phone book in the navigation
software to act as destinations. For more details refer to the chapter
"Imported Addresses from the phone book (only NAVIGON 4350 max)"
on page 34.
7.6 Configuring the hands-free function
The hands-free module of the NAVIGON 4350 max contains a number
of settings that can be individually configured.
For information about configuring the settings in this window refer to
"Configuring the NAVIGON 33xx | 43xx max" on page 73.
7.6.1 Preset
The hands-free module of the NAVIGON 4350 max contains four
Speed Call buttons that can be individually configured.
1. Tap in the H
ANDSFREE MODULE window on Options > Modify Preset.