User’s manual NAVIGON 33xx | 43xx max
- 68 - Handsfree Module (only NAVIGON 4350 max)
connect to a different phone or disconnect the connection, the recent
calls will no longer be available on the hands-free module.
1. Set up a connection to the mobile phone whose recent calls you
want to import. (See chapter "
Connecting to a device" on page 65)
Tap in the H
ANDSFREE MODULE window on the Recent Calls button.
The recent calls import is started. When the import is completed,
the recent calls are shown.
7.2 Taking a call
When you receive a call, the INCOMING CALL window will open. The
name and the number of the caller will be displayed if this information is
available. (If the caller's number is displayed but does not exist in the
phone book, Unknown caller will be displayed instead of the name. If
the number is suppressed, Phone number hidden will be displayed.)
► Tap on Accept if you want to take the call.
The C
ALL IN PROGRESS window opens.
► Tap on Reject if you do not want to take the call.
Note: Navigation instructions are muted during a call.
7.3 Making a call
With the NAVIGON 4350 max you can make a call in various ways:
7.3.1 Dialling a telephone number
1. Tap in the HANDSFREE MODULE window on the Keyboard button.
The T
ELEPHONE NUMBER window opens.
2. Enter the desired telephone number.
3. Tap on the Call
7.3.2 Dialling a Speed Call number
You can configure 4 Speed Call buttons.
► Tap in the HANDSFREE MODULE window on the corresponding
Speed Call button.
Note: If no number has been entered for the Speed Call button selected
or if no Bluetooth connection has been established to a mobile phone,
the M
ODIFY PRESET window will open.
For more details refer to the chapter "Preset" on page 71.